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UOM - Uncertainty Of Measurement (As Per ISO 17025:2017)

UOM - Uncertainty Of  Measurement 
As per ISO 17025: 2017

Uncertainty of measurement (UOM) is a term that describes the range of possible values that a measurement can have, based on the errors and variations that affect the measurement process. UOM is an important concept for laboratories that perform testing and calibration, as it helps them to evaluate the quality and reliability of their results. 

According to iso 17025: 2017, the international standard for laboratory competence, laboratories must evaluate and report the uncertainty of measurement for all results, unless it is not relevant or possible. The standard also provides guidance on how to calculate and express UOM, using methods such as the GUM (Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement) or other internationally recognized methods.

UOM is not a fixed value, but rather a function of the measurement conditions, the equipment used, the method applied, and the operator's skill. Therefore, UOM can vary from one measurement to another, even if they are performed under the same conditions. UOM can also depend on the level of confidence that is required for the result, which is usually expressed as a coverage factor or a confidence interval.

UOM is not an indication of the accuracy or precision of a measurement, but rather a statement of how well the measurement uncertainty has been estimated and reported. A small UOM does not necessarily mean that the result is accurate or precise, but rather that the uncertainty has been well characterized and minimized. Similarly, a large UOM does not necessarily mean that the result is inaccurate or imprecise, but rather that the uncertainty has been poorly characterized or maximized.

UOM is an essential part of any measurement result, as it provides information about the quality and reliability of the result, and allows for comparison and evaluation of different results. UOM also helps to identify sources of error and variation in the measurement process, and to improve the measurement methods and procedures. UOM is a key element for ensuring traceability and validity of measurement results, and for demonstrating compliance with iso 17025: 2017.

Quality Management System, Environmental Management System, Occupational Health & Safety, Testing & Calibration Laboratory Management System, Uncertainty of Measurement, Consultancy for Medical Laboratories, Quality Management System for Medical Device